I just registered to the first edition of the Eiger Ultra Trail. http://www.eigerultratrail.ch/en/trail-e51.html This sounds insane but my cardiologist told me that I could aim at longer races with lower heart rates. So I registered for the "short" course. Still, 51 km and 3100 m altitude difference may be a tad brutal. That is why I enrolled two of my friends, Dani and Kristof Together, we will run as the team "Tarahumara Spirit". What this means is that we will run this trail without time goal. Our only goal will be to enjoy every step and to feel blessed to be able to run,...during 10 hours, or more. The point is to feel that, if you forget the competitive aspect, Running is indeed an essential part of the human nature and that you can run for long distances without getting hurt and with a long-lasting feeling of oneness, and a big smile, before, during and after. As for my 1st marathon in Chicago in 2009, I will develop...